uwah....masak lemak cili api...sedap...just came back from 'cucuk dinding'...and damn...nothing is more satisfying than looking at my wallet berisi again...hihi..im just so lazy to actually 'cucuk' and spend my money...but rather that i will be very panic if it is empty...herm...apparently, my scholarship money is still 'on-the-way', wonder how long it would take to reach me...im tired of asking money from Abah again...malu lah, asyik mintak duit jerk..anyway, thnx Abah...love u...hihi, i'll try not to ask too often , at least until 28th of august...still a long way to go...haha..
aku lapar....rindu masakan emak aku...
ni sedap...huhu...sob2...
looks delicious lo...
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