Wednesday, April 1, 2009

hari yg tense..

hello guys...yay, finally...dh lpas hari yg cukup tense bagi aku...bukan tense sbab tension tu, tapi cukup hectic kan kpale otak aku...ckup bg aku lah...x taulah kalau org lain anggap biase sahaja...dimulakan dgn lab chemistry yg sem ni tampak susah nk score, tapi actually bleh ngan lab chem last sem yg tampak mudah nak score, tapi sbenarnya susah nk score...haha...bergegas kitorg siapkan report tadi...pinjam org tu, org ni...klam kabut giler...wakaka...tapi alhamdulillah siap lah...itu one thing, then pasal speech...alhamdulillah, aku dh slamat impromptu speech tadi...tadi YB, yogen, n aku je yg deliver speech...zul couldnt make it and so do yan...bagi aku, yb mmg konfiden hbs kalau bercakap...padahal intro je org dah berapi2..haha..yogen pulak mmg bgs giler...both content n speech wise...haha, aku pulak dpt tajuk "who would you choose as a tv character..."..damn, aku dh x tau nk ckp pasal ape...coz aku lg sung x terpikir dpt tajuk least dpt tajuk lain, dpt gak aku dpt tajuk imaginative...hahaha..n at least, dgn humblenye aku cakap tv character itu shin budak sengal tu pulak kuar dari kpale minda aku ni...haha, n aku ade selitkan crite pasal kejadian kereta api +toilet + hand phone samsung = on da way g kelantan...hehe, itu family aku je tau ngan budak2 english tadi...wakaka..sampai skarang aku rase malu gile kalau cite balik...tah ape2 je..sanggup aku buat keje gile tu...hahahaa...anyways, hari ini dh selesai...n logo den dibueknye...

p/s: yes...esok kelas kol 10 pagi...leh lewat ckit bangkit sok..


heqing said...

are you sure only we and your parents know that story?
you x perasan im taking the video ke??
im posting it at my blog...

p/s: not the whole speech but that story is included...XD

Zu--LfADh..^li--->>suCEsS said...
