Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sibu da second day....

ok now, da journey continues...after spending one night at is's place, we made our way to sibu town..yah2, the moment that i've been waiting for...after 5 years, this is the first time that i balik sibu..n, the different is we dont have to que for the ferry as the newly ( dah lame gak sebenarnya ) built Lanang Bridge made our journey easier...haha, but still have to pay for the toll..xpelah...sampai je kat sibu, igt nak check in Tanahmas trus tapi xder parking...hampeh seribu kali hampeh...hehe, coz ade wedding ceremony so parking lot all, ktorg g mkn dulu n then baru balik hantar baggage ke bilik...

nape adik aku wat muke camtu...haha..

good bye spaoh....

toll menanti....rm 3.50 melayang...

jambatan lanang...hehe..

muko lotih....

lpas solat ape sume, and rehat for a while...we went straight to Teku, lawat rumah lame...jumpe kwn2 lame kat taman...kedai chop wea2...beli kelapa 10 kilo...main 'tikam'...haha, not frens used to, they told me...

rumah lame2....

then we made our way to Kampung Bahagia Jaya, firstly I went to my school, SK Kampung Bahagia Jaya, no new complex but a whole new look as the buildings are newly painted...tapi yg paling penting nyamuk yg batch aku buat still ade kat ctuh...hihi, post upsr punye projek..

skolah ku dulu....

nampak tak nyamuk tuh...aku yg wat...


sampai je kat kg, aku trus di dropkan kat rumah najib bile die menjerit...hahaha...aku lepak kat sane n call sume geng yg still ade kat kg...ade yg dah koje n mcm2 lagilah...form 6, g IKBN, etc...pas lepak2 jap, ktorg pun posing2 kg n g ngabas kwn2 lame2 yg dok melanguk tepi jalan...g jumpe e-rot..'watashino koibito'...dulu2 lah...hehe...neway, nasib baik, diorang kenal aku n aku pun knal diorang...tulah, masa cepat berlalu...diorang pun dah besau panjang...dah akhir remaja lah katakan...hihi, dulu yelah kecik2...main kojar2, pegang2...haha...pijul, najib, erot...hehe..

kusi rumah e-rot..haha...

ha...yg girl tu lah erot...hehe...yg tunjuk peace tuh najib...

pijul n abah...hepi jer mcm dulu gak...

dah puas bermadu kasih, hihi....ktorg pun beredar n pas maghrib, g Kasturi Cafe. there, abah's friend...erm....hehe, double!! hanya certain org yg tau...hihi, treat ktorg...lots of food, but really x puas...coz food pun ckit2 die hantar...furthermore, i dont eat udang n other seafood MATERIAL, in general...haha, except sotong besar yg mak aku buat sambal nasik lemak...tu pun gatal2 gak aku makan....

kak, liutenant fazylina pun ade...

fuhyo...popular tuh..hehe..

habis je, ktorg balik, kekenyangan...haha....

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