the website..tgk, bukak dari 6pm sampai 6am je..Hotel626...sesape yg nk experience scary n spooky feelings on the net...u should try this website...but reminder, xde sape yg come back normal after playing this crap of game..bende2 yg korang kene ade..
1. headphone...or good sound system.., for face recognition..
im waiting for my reservation attended in a short warning, if u get scared too easily, dont even try to log into this website..coz it's haunting...ini link
chehh, aku bg link tu :P
byw, nak maen gelak2?
tgk link ni plak..
tu blog org, kau bace comment2 dye..sumpah klaka, hahaha :D
*btw arr..thnx cik nadia..
eh, mkcik nadia...
lwk gler comment org2 tu?
Lor... aku pun baru je dpt link tu dari kwn.. ko dah ade da...
owh...kire nk bagi aku x ni?
btw, the game.....dull...kalau men waktu siang..hahahaha...
tp malam, tutup lampu..siap lah korang..
awal2 tuh cam dah takut2 je. tp bila lps masuk satu pintu lambat gilak loading. penat lak aku tggu.
itulah...balik rumah main lah..
kwn aku ckp best, die dh 3rd day..
x brani nk sambung main..
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