good morning guys. assalamualaikum.
sgt lame aku x update blog ni. aku rasa amat bersalah actually. haha. life sgt bz dlm 1-2 bulan ni. especially this week. next week aku dh final exam for this sem.
everyone is struggling to amend their mistakes mase previous sem. aku pun same jugak.
ive been talking to myself not to repeat history. bad history, not good one.
but anyways, tonight aku ade lagi test 2 fluid mechanics. wish me luck guys.
ill be having 2 weeks of final exams. next week there will be mom, islamic studies, and statistics. and the week after next is for fluid mechanics. somehow this sem's exams schedule is not as packed as the previous one. last semester i finished the finals in 3 days. with all the subjects stacking up in 3 days. imagine how hard it was to actually finish them. but this semester with all the gaps and pauses, insya Allah everything will be 'suited' up. haha.
1 of the thigs that caught my attention is our registration session for semester 1 academic year 2010/2011. its understood that students are to update their study plans accordingly to their subjects. however some of my friends could only register 1 subject for that semester due to some misunderstandings. x kan nk amik 1 subjek je kan sem 3 nanti. in fact ramai lagi students yg jadi mcm mni sbab x di brief dgn thorough mase pre registration subject. they end up kene tunggu mase first day of sem baru nk add semua subject tu balik. itu pun klau ade kelas yg dibukak or students drop class.
actually dis sem aku x balik2 kuching lagi. patut aku rase rindu lebih kat family aku. klau dulu mid sem balik kuching. tp midsem b4 this aku duduk kampung seminggu- minggu. ( jgn ikut bad grammar ).
aku balik this time pun maybe for the last time b4 kitorang 1 family pindah ke kl. huhu sedih nk tinggal kuching. :). kwn2 aku sume dkat sini, most of my life di spend dkat sini. first love. hahahaa xde mengarut2. tp itulah, aku akan rindu kuching and driver2 nye yg x laju. tenang duduk kuching, aku rase mcm anak aku nanti lbih selamat duduk kuching dari kl. hahaha.
last weekend aku spend dgn angah. pagi2 aku amik die dkat upnm. awal aku gerak sbab rindu lame x jumpe die. then aku bwk die balik bangi and breakfast dkt 'pekan lame kopi putih'. btul2 aku titik die sbab die kate nak belanja. haha. thanx angah. die crite ramai budak2 u die yg dh lari or keluar kan diri. bayar rm11000. mcm football player beli kontrak die nk kluar dari team tu sbab nk pindah team lain. tp die still bertahan dgn kerenah kehidupan dkat u yg hectic. good luck bro. haha
now dgn credit crunch di hujung semester semua tu. aku jumpe 1 port baru untuk makan tapi dgn banyak tp still save money untuk mase depan. haha. 1 heck of a meal actually. nasi ayam, quarter chicken, 4 choices- black pepper, roasted, honey, dgn satu lagi aku x igt; and satu air fresh orange. sumenye dlm RM3.99. gile x gile weyy. hahahah. dahlah 4 ringgit, mmg save banyak untuk meal yg tip-top mcm tu. now tiap2 meal nk makan nasi ayam je. muke pun dah mcm ayam. bukan bapak ayam or ayam2 itu. haha. klau aku taw lame ade tempat yg murah mcm ni, mmg banyak je savings towards the end of the sem. hehe. tempat ape tu? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
1 more, sewa apartment dh naik rm800. and ade ura2 yg mengatakan (aku x boleh ckp kat sini sbab x konfirm lagi) ura2 nya kitorg kene bayar .... membuatkan aku berfikir sejenak nk duduk dalam lagi ke sem depan ni. banyak duit habis bayar sewa apartment je nanti. hmmm.
ok i hv to go study now. mlm ni ade test. lega sikit dh menulis2 ni.
hehe. wish u all good health and prosperity.
Trends Information
7 years ago
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