Wednesday, March 31, 2010


salam everyone.
ahh what a relieve. final exam is over. lets put everything behind and put ur hands up praying for the best that we could get. seriously statistics wasnt easy, it wasnt supposed to indeed. even dr. ir marlinda sendiri cakap final exam nanti sgt susah, u wont have time to finish everything, even though a book with formulae is right in front of u. b4 this i always envy students yg boleh buat 'open book' exam coz i was like " woh snang gile exam boleh bukak buku" things. but now after experiencing it i can say that its not as easy as it seems. but anyways, other exams went well i guess. i hope so. :)

lets cut this edu- related chat ok. im looking forward to 13th april. yeah, im going back to kuching. ive been missing kuching the whole semester. my family, cars, friends. ya pun mun ada d kuching. maka blum cuti bah nak. haha.
btw i still have to finish ytn csr first. it is to be done in conjunction with jabatan hal ehwal orang asli. educating those 15-year old students, about how important education is and u dont want to screw ur spm up for some little things; start looking forward to the future. im quite nervous, ill be taking care of the security department. haha seriously aku x taw martial arts. aku taw tempur tanpa senjata pun mase kem plkn dulu. sarjan ape ntah ajar aku. aku x sure. tp itu pun sebut "T! T! S!" je kuat strokes semua aku x sure. ape yg aku ade buku lali dan mulut yg literally ikut ape otak aku suruh buat, wisely. haha even tho ia x akan jadi as nasty ape yg akan aku fikir. hish kene buang stigma and skeptism dlm diri ni pasal org asli. aku x, org lain. :)
theyll be fun.

last night man utd lost to bayern munich. aku x kisah pasal kalah tu. yg paling aku kisah bile rooney limp off dari padang dgn boot tercabut. terhinjut- hinjut mengerang kesakitan. ( ok aku x dgr die mengerang ) but then aku risau. sabtu ni kene lawan chelsea. then next thursday 2nd leg bayern munich at old trafford. tlg lah rooney jgn injured lame sgt. at least skip chelsea match and fit for bayern. u know with him around people arouses and x takut untuk attack. its kind of psychological bile sumone like rooney is upfront kau mcm ade confident lebih nk attack. and perang psycho dgn other teams pun berjalan lancar. but anyways i hope he makes a speedy recovery, fast enough to face bayern next thursday. insya Allah.

btw now aku dkat pd, 3 hari dkat sini. menenangkan fikiran daripada assignments tests quizzes exams semua. last night pegi pasar malam dkat poli pd and pagi ni aku sakit2 perut. ehehe. ntah ape2. hari ni x taw lagi nk buat ape, budak2 ni pun tido lagi. ke aku tido awal semalam, diorang tidur lewat. aku 4.30 dah bangun sakit perut. haha.

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