Sunday, April 25, 2010


hoping and always hoping. with 2 matches left and deficit of mere 1 point.

"i was hoping that stoke city could at least played with some rigid defence without chelsea exploiting their formation. i was hoping that rory delap's long throws would at least 'kucar- kacirkan' chelsea defence. i was hoping that 'si' feisty Drogba's injury would halt him from playing last night. I was hoping that Terry's absence would increase Kitson's confidence of poaching at least 1 goal. But just like what Haniey said, "In Your Dreams!!" "

So from now on, i'm calling all football fans out there (except for anti- football) to start supporting LIVERPOOL from this moment, channel your energy and shower them with your support thus making them extra- special next weekend, for that match against Chelsea. Please. 

p/s: Jom pergi end of season party. Click here.

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