haha...so,this is my first experience in writing blog..x minat sgt menulis2 sgt sebenarnya...tapi disebabkan mase yg mengizinkan,tulis je lah...(walaupun belum ada ape2 misi yet...haha,oops)..neway,skang ni life for me is wonderful n im enjoying every seconds of it..bcoz i know what I want to do n i can see the path..Syukur Alhamdulillah coz Allah s.w.t. nampakkan jalan untuk aku..this part stage in life, not all can survive coz it's like a 'turning point',kalau kite silap buat perhitungan, problems await for us later; although not that critical, but enough to produce hiccups here and there..some will survive to climb the gunung n stay on the top while others could'nt...ya2,org kat atas tuh can laugh n be satisfied but remember korg x kan nak duduk atas gunung lame2 kan??giler ape...haha,korang mesti mok turun juak nak..so,giliran org yg kat dibah ya pulak nait...itulah kehidupan,mcm roda..kalau mcm roda kete mainan,cepatlah ianya berjalan..tapi ni mcm roda lori..haha,aneway hidup ini bukan semata2 nak carik kepuasan dunia, tapi akhirat gak..the bourne altimatum..ape2 pun the bottom point is still how we react upon stimulus,lets be effective,not reactive..
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