Wednesday, November 11, 2009

guitar hero

hello i had not much things to be done at home. pretty much ambik and hantar adik skolah je. haaa, jemur kain jugak. dah lame x jemur kain sjak duk uni ni.haha..selain itu jalan2 kat dunia maya ni je, sambil menghabiskan tugasan yang telah ditugaskan oleh abah bagi ku. membaca buku dokumentari. the book is about malays in afghanistan. kinda interesting. had flipped through some of the pages, just wanna see the overview of the book.

then aku berjalan2 and found dis video. sgt menarik sbab kalau korg tau pasal guitar hero, korg mesti minat. the early part of this vid ade sorg mamat main gitar gune guitar hero, goreng2 lagu die. pastu moving on to the real 'guitar hero' funtwo and sorg mamat latin-like. funtwo ni yg ade video kat youtube yg hits berpuluh juta tu, main lagu concerto in d by mozart. eh ye ke?aku x igt lah..but anyways, best sbab diorang duel guitar lah. tu je. haha.

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