Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 i b t 1

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you thought that it got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
Yeah, yeah

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you thought that it got me coming undone

And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

p/s: D O U B T

Manchester United 5-0 Wigan Athletic

Sunday, December 27, 2009

this sem

that sums up what my new azam will be for this year and this sem.

p/s: mind the "tolong zul cari awek"..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

balasan org yg bongkak

last weekend amat menarik...and aku rs amat menyesal sebab aku amat bongkak...critenye begini.












b4 tu, liverpool ade match..seperti yg kita tahu liverpool dah lame terkeluar dari mane2 title or cup or piale mahupun hadiah saguhati champions league..and sejak 2,3 menjak ni liverpool dh jadi bahan lawak seantero..hoho amat kasar...diorang kalah 2-0 dkat paling cikai skarg kat barclays..aku pun tgk org lain buat status best2 kat fb...aku x nk ikut actually tp sebab nafsu, aku tergoda jugak. haha..aku tulis

"malas nak komen lebih pasal LIVERPOOL KALAH 2-0 KEPADA PORTSMOUTH"

seperti biasa, mendapat sambutan hangat lah kan..haha...

but then tibe match man utd..aku x dpt tgk sebab kat selayang..xde astro tp ade broadband angah..thanx gile...mule2, first half aku tgk kene 1-0. aku sabar lagi sbab man u lambat panas..but then aku trtidor, bgn pagi je..

MAN UTD 0- lg 10*x Fulham

kesimpulannya jgn lah anda bongkak sebelum bermulanya perhitungan..x kiralah final exam ke telematch ke sukaneka ke...ok?

lab dan machine

yeah yeah yeah...(smart jgak style start blog mcm ni)

ok ape aku ckp ni..hehe, hari ni hbs kelas awal..pkul 1 td dh menyiapkan report fluids dan mechanics of metarials yang memeningkan..alhamdulillah aku dh submit 2-2 report sekali. tp then dtg lagi report2 yang lain.haha mmg x kan hbs lah..yg ni dtg, yg itu pergi, yg itu pergi, yg ini dtg..mcm prempuan x2...maksud aku mcm angin lab sem ni x membosankan coz 

1. dpt main air time lab fluids

2. dpt main machine time lab mechanics.

although benda machine ni kadang2 x bekerja ikut ape yg kita nak, tp kite kene cube sedaya upaya lah nak suruh dia kerja. mcm semalam supposed kire brape force load yang kite apply dkat strut ( exp. strut buckling ) tp machine tu x bekerja..aku asyik cakap kat benda tu

"tolonglah bagi kerjasama....aku dh lapar ni", kawan2 aku pandang aku semacam je.

tp itulah, benda tu boleh buat dlm masa sejam dah jadi 3 jam nk habiskan.amik kau last skali kluar lab..haha..padan muka..itulah, ingat balik masa sekolah dulu...handle majlis hari guru and 1 thing for sure sampai skarg aku igt, dont rely too much on technologies. they will haunt us back...that morning hari guru, supposingly semua berjalan lancar tp dewan mase tu boleh black out. arghhh..tensen nya x payah susah2 lah nak cakap korang pun faham btape high expectations sume org hari itu. tp nsb baik AJ berjaya mengawal keadaan die bergegas pergi power station, budak dikir barat atas stage buat dek perform dlm gelap and students sorak2. aku pn x tau knape..haha...

ok hbs crite technology..thankfully statistics dh start kelas...ass. prof. ir dr malinda  dh masuk kelas..aku pandang tinggi beliau sbab ade terbaca artikel pasal beliau dpt anugerah harta intelek negara..gile lah respek..dhlah mcm sume title die dh letak kat name die tu..kalau lah one day,(ni bukan angan2 kosong) aku boleh letak name aku sume title tu...mesti best..mcm..

prof emiritus ir dr tan sri zulbrodon zahudin amn mvp zdec tyt

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

midweek matches

premier league roundups.
midweek matches.


and so on. other matches x brape penting. haha..

xde kelas.

morning guys..hari yg cerah d bangi today. nothing much to do, bgn tidor lpas dikejutkan oleh cd.
haha, thanx sbab 5-6 kali call. hari ni xde kelas pkul 9. lecturer on leave. next class pun pkul 2. class mechanics of materials. subjek yg aku belajar amat interesting, mcm foundation utk semua benda lain yang akan aku belajar nanti. and 1 more thing is that, now dh nampak ape bende yg aku deal. slab, column, beam, tensil, strain, etc. in other word, more specific dari b4 this. hope aku dpt sustain minat aku ni sampai bila2. engineering is gonna be my 'life' for like, years to come.

1 thing yg aku x brape berkenan ialah (agak lawak jugak actually). ade 1 time tu lecturer aku ni indian yg aku rase mmg dari india kot. correct me if im wrong. biaselah kalau loghat and pekat bahasa seseorang tu melekat dkat lidah org tu kan. so lecturer aku ni agak pekat bahasa india nye. and even sampai skarang pun die still mcm tu, and budak2 lain pun kadang2 buat lawak pasal benda tu jugak. tp 1 thing bila budak2 arab belakang aku ajuk2 balik ape lecturer aku cakap dlm kelas. mmg org lain x dgr tp aku dgr and pada pendapat aku amat lawak sebab diorang tegur pelat org lain as if pelat diorang amat mudah difahami and un-ajuk-able. bahasa diorang pun bukan org x boleh main2 kan. haha, tp lawak jugak lah. aku pandang mamat2 arab tu slack 2-3 kali jugaklah. tp end up aku jugak yg gelak same dgn diorang. sori lecturer. haha..

tonight, im going back to n.9 again. yeayy..haha..abahs gonna pick me up at 10. aku ade kelas agama pulak tonite. dlm pukul 10 habislah kelas. dis weekend ade wedding penting yg we hv to attend. knape penting...haaaaaaaa~..adelah sbab nya..hahah..btw that day mak aku bgtau yg pokok kelapa yg dah lame ade dkat halaman rumah atok aku tu dah tumbang. nasib baik pokok tu x jatuh atas rumah or sumthing. mind u pokok tu had been there for ages, dari aku lahir mmg dh ade pokok tu. amat tinggi, and time kcik2 dulu aku pun pernah rase takut dkat pokok tu takut2 die jatuh atas rumah. and mase ummi bgtau tu pun aku terkejut. syukurlah semua selamat, cume elektrik je x selamat. then ummi ckp TNB sampai pkul 1.30 pagi nk repair. wow amat effisien..!!x sia2 tnb ambik aku jadi scholar. (eh ape kene mengena.)hahaha..

dhlah, aku nk study MOM pulak. take care y'all..

p/s: mbsm

Friday, December 11, 2009

nice one.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."


Saturday, December 5, 2009

man u mnang, chelsea kalah.

what an eventful result..watching from the comfort of bilik paksu. watching doesnt entirely means i watched it, but actually tgk tulisan je dkat match tracker. damn sdih xde astro kat kampung anyways, man utd prevails (mind the perfect present im using) by thumping west ham 4-0. haha, scholes scored, followed by gibson, valencia and ronaldo. 2 great goals from central midfield last night, scholes and gibson. good job guys. 

ok kenapa muka mamat ni kat sini?? sbab CHELSEA KALAH!!!boooo!!!


Friday, December 4, 2009

world cup!

yeah..malam ini draw world cup. dis year, aku sokong england and holland..

how bout u guys??

kuala pilah lah..

salam semua skali.

now aku di kampang halaman di negeri sembilan. sgt mnenangkan di luar rumah..haha, di luar rumah je. bukan dalam sebab kat dalam ni macam2 benda dah jadi. perang, zombie, bola sepak, anything u wish for. x percaya? dtglah sini kalau berani. members aku yg lain dkat selayang now, esok baru sampai. angah pulak ade military training dkat upnm. hope he prevails lah that training coz dgr crite mcm berat je. dengar je dah berat? ape lagi kalau buat kan..hishh..

that day mase aku sampai, aku naik kereta halim. die tumpangkan aku sampai terminal 1. puas aku xde2..aku x main rasuah ni. puas aku ajak die hantar sampai depan rumah haha..gile x bersyukur ade org nk tumpangkan. so die hntar aku sampai terminal. sampai2, bus favourite aku yakni United Bas baru berlalu. tp xpe, aku mnunggu lagi selama 30 minit, bas pun tiba. aku pun masuk bas lalu tidur...






ok aku tipu. aku tidur lpas 20 minit. on da way tu xde ape2 yg menarik perhatian aku kecuali seorang kakak yg membawa adik2 kecik nya keluar pergi ke pekan kuala pilah. aku berfikir " kuala pilah??hmm..pergilah midvalley ke..".

hish amat x bersyukur aku masa itu. kira murni kakak itu membawa adik2 nya keluar  bersiar2. lagipun ape kurangnya kuala pilah kan. mcm2 ada...berbaloi2 bak kata celcom. mmandangkan tidak ade benda yg menarik, aku pun tidur lah..

tiba2 aku tersedar, ade 2 org makcik berbangsa India yang sedang menanyakan sesuatu kepada driver bas. die tanye pakcik tu Bank Rakyat tutup pukul brape, sbab makcik tu mcm rushing smacam je. tp sdihnya pakcik driver tu x ambik pot langsung makcik tu tanye ape. aku pun marahlah pakcik tu!!

"woi pakcik!!makcik tu tanya x dengar ke!!!", berkata aku dalam hati.

aku menggeleng2 kan kepala. aku ckp kat makcik tu, pukul 4.30 kot makcik...die pun marah2 lalu membuat isyarat2 yang aku x berapa faham dkat pakcik driver tu. pakcik tu pun satu, kalau ye fokus pun, jawab sepatah pun xpe lah. ni x kesian makcik tu nk pekik2 dalam bas yg bising.

dan akhirnya aku pun tibalah ke hadapan jalan rumah paksu aku di sini..seperti biasa...benda yang sama berulang kembali. tragedi oktober berulang lagi, meninggalkan kotoran yg x mungkin aku lupakan  sampai bila2. masa aku nak jejak kaki turun dari bas,


aku terpijak lopak air. 


ayat kebiasaan.

Ini la yang perempuan suka gunakan untuk hentikan pergaduhan, lebih-lebih lagi bila dia rasa dia yang betul dan anda kena diam. Jangan sekali kali gunakan perkataan ini untuk memberi gambaran rupanya, terutama sekali apabila dia sedang mencuba pakaian di kedai hanya akan membawa anda berdua bergaduh.


Ini sebenarnya setengah jam. Ianya sama jugak dengan lima minit yang perlawanan bola sepak akan berakhir sebelum anda membawa sampah keluar, jadi ini adalah pertukaran yang seimbang.


Ini bermakna "something" dan anda perlu berjaga-jaga! Perkataan ini melambangkan perasaan perempuan yang inginkan anda berputar-putar kat dalam macam mesin basuh. Selalunya, ini akan memulakan pergaduhan yang akan bertahan selama 'LIMA MINIT' dan diakhiri dengan 'FINE'.

(dengan kening terangkat) Ini adalah satu cabaran yang akan membuat si perempuan menjadi marah dengan 'TAKDE APA-APA' dan diakhiri dengan 'FINE'.

(dengan kening biasa). Ini bermakna 'mengalah' atau 'buat je la apa yang awak nak sebab saya tak kisah'. Anda hanya akan mendapat situasi ini dan dalam beberapa minit diikuti dengan 'TAKDE APA-APA', 'FINE' dan dia akan bercakap kembali dengan anda dalam masa 'LIMA MINIT' apabila dia dah sejuk.

Ini sebenarnya bukanlah perkataan, tetapi kenyataan yang sering disalah anggap oleh kaum lelaki. 'MENGELUH YANG KUAT' bermakna dia merasakan anda adalah seorangyang bodoh ketika itu dan dia sendiri terfikir kenapalah dia menghabiskan masa berdiri di situ dan bergaduh mengenai 'TAKDE APA-APA'.

Lagi sekali, ini bukanlah perkataan. 'MENGELUH YANG PERLAHAN' membawa maksud yang dia berasa puas. Adalah lebih elok jika anda duduk diam, jangan buatsebarang tindakan... dan dia akan kekal puas.


Ini adalah kenyataan yang paling merbahaya seorang perempuan boleh buatkepada lelaki. 'OKAY LAH' bermakna dia ingin berfikir panjang sebelumdia membalas terhadap perbuatan anda yang telah menyakitkan hatinya.'OKAY LAH' selalunya digunakan dengan 'FINE' bersama 'Kening YangTerangkat'.


Satu ketika di masa depan dalam masa terdekat, anda akan dilanda masalah yang besar.

Ini bukan kenyataan, sebaliknya adalah pelawaan. Seorang perempuan memberianda peluang untuk mengeluarkan sebarang alasan atau sebab di atas apayang telah anda lakukan. Anda mempunyai peluang yang adil dengankejujuran, jadi berhati-hati dan anda tidak akan mendapat 'OKAY LAH'.

Seorang perempuan mengucapkan terima kasih. Jangan pengsan. Terima dan ucapkan sama-sama.


Ini banyak berbeza dari 'TERIMA KASIH'. Seorang perempuan akan menggunakan ini apabila dia dah terlampau marah pada anda. Ini menunjukkan yang anda telah menyinggung perasaannya dan akan diikuti dengan 'MENGELUH YANG KUAT'. Berhati-hati untuk tidak bertanya apa yang salah selepas 'MENGELUH YANG KUAT' kerana ini hanya akan membuat dia berkata 'TAKDE APA-APA"

p/s: its up to u, whether it's worth reading or not. ;)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy."

p/s: mamat yg buat quote ni nk cakap die 'bi' ke???


mlm tadi man united mnang 2-0 lawan tottenham.

yeah, tottenham yg belasah 9-1 wigan tu. with nearly full- strength squad lwn squad muda man utd. aku nervous jugak, tkt defoe mengganas dkat budak2 ni. tp thumbs up for darren gibson yg score 2 goals of the match.

in depth match report boleh bace kat


sem 2

salam guys..

finally im back in uni...sume benda berbangkit mcm sewa rumah, ytn pemberi duit, jadual kelas semua dh settle..aku hari isnin tu trus pergi registrar mintak result. nk serah trus kat yayasan. aku x nak tunggu lame2 dah.. lagi lambat dpt duit merana nanti, nak beli buku, alat tulis, makan, enjoy. eh xde2...x leh enjoy2. poyo je padahal alat tulis banyak lagi and buku nanti2 bleh beli. ytn sure bagi in advance punye. pn bergantung pada lifeline yg abah bagi b4 msk uni hari tu. ckup bertahan untuk 2 minggu, approximation b4 elaun masuk. but anyways, luckily first day of sem wasnt as bad as sem 1. time sem 1 dulu kena buat id ( tempoh 3 hari ), x payah beratur nk tunggu surat masuk degree, rumah x konfirm lagi ( bila masuk rumah tgk dh ade penduduk )...nsb baik alhamdulillah dis sem x truk macm tu. and dis sem pun dh x de keje cereka pendek tu. nk carik keje lain malas pulak rasenye. haha. btw azam nk join ruggers balik dis sem. nk aktif menjalani hidup sihat. haha.. ni penting utk perancangan new zealand, eh i mean masa depan. haha.cume aku nk semak balik certain subjects yg aku rase aku ptt score, tp dpt gred yg aku x sangke2. huhu. nnti aku buat, 50 ringgit bro nk semak semula. haha..

family aku except angah semua now in kelantan. jalan2. fuh jeles btullah. kalau boleh nk ikut je padahal minggu ni belum study pun. lecturer pun x msk kelas lagi. yg ade pun yg lab instructor ni. hihi.. so far jadual aku tgk ok, byk laboratory dis sem. dh nampak ke'civil'an di situ. hehe..and xde calculus dis sem, yelah dh advanced calculus last sem. ape lagi advance dari advanced calculus??

today suppose ade add drop session, so aku x payah buat ape2 sbab x nak tukar jadual ni. aku rs dh ok dah, except aku x dpt elak klas pkul 8 pagi yakni matb 133. and today aku kelas pukul 2 ptg start. sampai 6. ikut plan nk balik kg je hr ni. tgk lah dulu mcm mane..esok ke. yedak??

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

4 hours after swak

hello is 2.42 am waktu selayang. i wonder pkul brape masa kat malaysia now.

anyways, org lain semua dh tidor. aku je x tido lagi. tgh tunggu match man u vs besiktas. plan nk tgk kat website man utd je. text coverage. hopefully man utd mnang or at least kekalkan rekod tanpa kalah dlm CL. ape2 pun, takziah kpade fans liverpool yg support liverpool i mean yg really support bukan caca marba name keeper pun xtau, sbab dah kicked out from CL by fiorentina. they won yesterday, but it wasnt enough for them as fiorentina beat lyon at home 1-0 the same night. i know ho do u feel, especially after all the hype that u will be excel home and abroad this season. but anyways, dont wanna comment any further. gud luck in europa league ok!haha..

tadi dlm pkul 9.40 arrived at klia. amat skejap journey malam ini (B737), x tau knape. sbab mlm traffic kurang kot. lagipun org cuti skolah. plane pun byk cuti kowt. haha..dahlah tadi adik lelaki aku sibuk cakap awan dania dkat lpas tu die ckp awan dania ade dlm tv je, xde dalam kapal terbang.
seperti biasa, airline food dihidangkan, iopted for nasi goreng and chicken sweet sour. not that bad. sbab aku tgh lapar. and one more thing, landing agak teruk tadi. laju smacam je. pilot muda kot.

esok, x tau lagi ade aktiviti ape kat selayang ni. kene masak ke ape ke. tp ape2 pun kene serbu pasar yg menjadi favourite aku sedari kecil ni. pasar dpan rumah ni. mcm2 ada..nk beli cendol, air soya..hahaha..and x sabar tunggu sedara mara pulang ke kampung berhari raya haji bersama2...

uwarghh..sejam lagi baru match start..sabar don.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


i still remember, mase aku skolah kat miri dulu. aku pindah dari kuching. SK matang jaya. there, i was the student to beat. aku dpt no. 1, trailing my frens by 2 or 3 points je...hahah...time tu competition amat cdih sbab by darjah 2, aku dh kene pindah miri..yeahh..another environment..and this time i entered the school as a stranger. aku igt lagi sbab dulu aku suke tolong Rancangan Makanan Tambahan..aku tau aku x layak nak bile aku tolong angkat, aku dpt makan free jugak.

so one day aku truskan keje seperti biase...time rehat aku bergegas pegi bilik guru nk agihkan makanan rmt. makanan time tu ialah mee hoon. sdap wooo..aku pun angkat lah mee tu..dgn seorang kawan. tibe2 aku nak pijak satu anak tangga and slipped accidentally. nescaya semua mee tu jatuh bersepai di atas tanah. mase tu aku rasa nak nangis...bersalah sangat..sbab aku baru jatuhkan semua mee untuk makanan pelajar2 susah yg sedang kelaparan. bayangkan aku br hancurkan harapan diorang semua..uarghhhhhh...tu antara perkara yg x dapat aku lupakan kat skolah tu. SK South diberi nama.

and one more thing, aku punye markah purata sama dgn markah seorang budak ni. sblum ni die top scorer skolah. tp bile aku sampai ni jadi nya. so cikgu x dpt nk bagi siape2 no1 or no2..tibe2 die dpt idea untuk tgk markah bm. siape lagi tinggi , die dpt no 1.hahaha..guess what..aku dpt no 1. gadis tu tadi trus keluar bilik guru dgn sedihnya. if ure reading this which i know u wouldnt..sbab dh lame sgt sy x nampak or kontek awk. her name is Tengku Nur Nadia binti Tengku Abdul Malek. die kerabah Sultan Kedah. whoaa..

im moving.

hello guys..
writing from our own comfort zone really gives a boost of what we wanna write. i just love home. kuching. yeah, bukan kl or n.9...coz i was raised here, for the whole 19 years of my life. although the earlier part of my childhood was spent in selayang..rumah atok aku.

what i wanna write doesnt conjure the whole story, but anyways..aku br lpas kmas barang2, packing semua. nak balik kl esok malam. flight 8.45. i tot this would be the normal balik thingy, leaving home for the sake of studying in uni10, which ive been doing whole-heartedly. but this time, i MAYBE leaving this home for the last time..i dont know..everything seems unclear when abah told us that we're going back to kl (pindah), and this means we'll be living in our own house in seremban. the reason for the transfer, same macam bace bab2 sejarah time skolah dulu. NNS , NNMB, NNMTB, nak digabungkan di bawah satu pentadbiran. nak kurang kan kos pentadbiran dan menyeragamkan quality.

i feel happy, yes thinking that ill be able to balik rumah every weekend, not having to suffer..haha, sbab mls nk pegi makan sendiri...since my family pn dh dekat, it'll be a very big boost for myself and angah, untuk menempa kejayaan yg lebih utuh untuk masa hadapan. haha...yes , im happy.. but some partitions of my heart, telling me not to let go these years that ive spent in this very home of ours. i still remember being transferred from kuching to miri, then to sibu and blk kuching balik. ill write the names of my classmates, or everyone yg dah touched my by one..reminscing the memories that i had with every single one of them. and ill cry..hahaha..lawak btul bile pkir balik yg i cried..hahah..

regardless of what those people said about how low standard sarawak is..of course most of them have never been here; what they have in mind is coherent with what have been shown in tv, rainforests, rumah panjang, sungai, gunung..GTH!! sarawak isnt about all these things je..bukak minda sikit of my lecturer ade cakap yang kereta paling mewah dkat sarawak and sabah ialah kancil..hahahahahaa...die x tgk kereta aku lagi..x tgk kereta org sebelah rumah depan rumah belakang rumah taman sebelah kampung seberang lagi. bukak mata please b4 buat conclusions? thanx a lot..

but anyways, this whole transfer thing blum konfirm ura2 is end of this year...but abah said it might change to end of next year, mid, or bile2 sahaja.. but the plan is there. and once it really gonna happen, ill cherish all the time i had here...surely, ill be coming back for .... sake after lots of years..Insya Allah...

Monday, November 23, 2009

cheques to be abolished

Cheques are to be abolished under controversial plans being drawn up by bankers.

They are widely expected to vote next month for the chequebook to be consigned to history.

Yesterday, the move was criticised by consumer groups, business lobbyists and charities representing the elderly.

They raised fears that vulnerable people, who have relied on their chequebook all their lives, will be left confused.

Many others simply prefer to pay by cheque, instead of by direct debit or bank transfer.

The Payments Council said its research shows the number of cheques being written every day has fallen dramatically in recent years.

At their peak in 1990, around 11million cheques were written every day. Latest figures show the number has dropped to around 3.8million.

Cheques, which were first used in Britain 350 years ago, are also an expensive form of payment for banks.

They cost around £1 each to process, which is four times as much as electronic payments.

The council's 15-strong board - made up of 11 banking representatives and four independents - will take a decision on December 16.

The most likely date for cheques to be phased out in the UK is 2018.

A growing number of stores including John Lewis and Tesco have stopped accepting cheques.

Stores claim they are the most insecure form of payment and that abolishing them cuts queues at checkouts.

But cheques are still widely used for making payments to tradesmen and for utility bills.

Government departments, such as HM Revenue & Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions, rely on cheques to make millions of payments each year.

Andrew Harrop, head of public policy at Age Concern and Help the Aged, said: 'Many older people use cheques and cash for all their transactions and are uncomfortable with alternative payment methods, such as credit or debit cards with PIN numbers.

'To prevent older people becoming financially excluded, any plans to end the use of cheques must ensure there are alternative ways of paying which they are happy using.'

Vera Cottrell, of the consumer lobby group Which?, said: 'There are still no cheap, safe alternatives to cheques. Until that time, cheques should not be withdrawn.'

The Federation of Small Businesses said it will 'strongly oppose' any move to get rid of cheques.

Sandra Quinn, a director of the Payments Council, said: 'We are completely aware that elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people need alternatives to be in place.

'If the decision is made [to end the cheque], there will be a long time before it comes into effect.'

Count down to 2018?

  • The ancient Romans are believed to have used an early form of cheque known as praescriptiones in the first century BC
  • The English word cheque comes from the Arabic ṣakk, which refers to a written note of credit used by Muslim merchants
  • The first cheque in the UK was written in 1659
  • Cheques are likely to be abolished in Britain in 2018
  • Cheque volumes in the UK peaked in 1990 when 4 billion were written
  • The predicted number of cheques written per day in the UK in 2018 is 1.6m
  • The number of cheques received each year by the average adult is five
  • The average value of a personal cheque payment is £227
  • The amount of retail spending still paid for by cheque is 3.9 per cent
  • Oversized cheques are often used during charity events and, regardless of size, can still be redeemed for their cash value as long as they have the same parts as a normal cheque
  • According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest ever oversized cheque was 12m by 25m (39 ft × 82 ft)

Sunday, November 22, 2009




seriously they never threatened...i love the game so was an open game, with both sides attacking sesuka hati. however tottenham gained the upper hand as the match ended. this is said to be the 2nd highest scoring spree in a game; in the history of Barclays Premier League. 9 goals in a match, this aint an exhibition and robbie keane wasnt playing. Defoe is well on top of his game with 6 goals...what a match..gud job tottenham

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Chelsea 4-0 Wolverhampton
LiverFOOL 2-2 Manchester City
ARSEnal 0-1 Sunderland

tu yg paling penting aku highlight..hahaha..

and 1 more thing...

New Zealand 19-6 England

Thursday, November 19, 2009

7 senses of a rugby player

yeahh...a spirited next sem!!!!

top 10 players

i got this from's an article about young prodigies who have made their appearances in the English League by storm. alright, starting from no. 10,

10 Alan Smith

Smith made a dramatic start to his career with Leeds by scoring on his debut against Liverpool, shortly after turning 19 in November 1998. He went on to become a key figure in the team that very nearly won the Champions League when he was 20. Moved to Manchester United after Leed's relegation and is now with Newcastle United in the Championship.

Alan Smith

No 10: Alan Smith

Nicolas Anelka

No 9: Nicolas Anelka

9 Nicolas Anelka

Made an immediate impact on the Premier League after his move to Arsenal from Paris Saint-Germain as a 17-year-old in February 1997. His performances in his second season saw him pick up the PFA Young Player of the Year Award. A tour around a number of European clubs - which included stints at Manchester City and Liverpool - has come to an end with a settled position in the Chelsea team.

8 Joe Cole

A player that got everyone very excited when he burst on to the scene as a 17-year-old in 1998. The most skilful young midfielder the country had seen since Paul Gascoigne was instantly loved in east London, but relegation in 2003 deemed he would leave in the season he was voted West Ham's Player of the Year. Enjoying success with Chelsea and, if he can stay injury-free, should feature in Fabio Capello's squad for next summer's World Cup.

Joe Cole of West Ham

No 8: Joe Cole

Rio Ferdinand, West Ham United

No 7: Rio Ferdinand

7 Rio Ferdinand

A West Ham academy player that turned into an international star - a story we've repeated quite a few times in compiling this List. Ferdinand was a star over at the Boleyn Ground from his first kick and after the 1997-98 season, Ferdinand won the Hammer of the Year award at 19. Now a hero for Manchester United and a regular with England.

6 Cristiano Ronaldo

The prodigious talent the Portuguese displayed was such that it persuaded Sir Alex Ferguson to shell out £12.24million for the 18-year-old in 2003. He soon became one of the most skilful and powerful players the Premier League has ever seen. Moved to Real Madrid for a world record £80m last summer after winning it all at Old Trafford.

Cristiano Ronaldo

No 6: Cristiano Ronaldo

Cesc Fabregas

No 5: Cesc Fabregas

5 Cesc Fabregas

There may be just a litle annoyance over in Barcelona after letting the 16-year-old Fabregas leave on a free in 2003. Made his debut for Arsenal aged 16 years and 177 days to became Arsenal's youngest ever first-team player and then youngest goalscorer in their history with a strike in the League Cup. Has since gone on to become one of the most accomplished midfielder's in Gunners history.

4 Robbie Fowler

Known as God on the Kop, for a very simple reason: he scored goals and buckets of them from the moment he first pulled on Liverpool's red jersey aged 18. For example he scored five in just his second first-team appearance in 1993. Has continued to score goals wherever he has gone and is currently knocking them in for North Queensland Fury in Australia.

Robbie Fowler

No 4: Robbie Fowler

Ryan Giggs

No 3: Ryan Giggs

3 Ryan Giggs

The most exceptional professional he's worked with at Old Trafford is the emphatic endorsement Giggs received from Sir Alex Ferguson. And Giggs deserves it. The most decorated player in English football history made such an impact on the Premier League that he won the PFA Young Player if the year Award in consecutive seasons 1992/93 and 1993/94. Now 35, he's still at United - where else?

2 Michael Owen

Owen announced his name to the football world when he received the ball from David Beckham, skipped past Roberto Ayala and Jose Chamot then cut the ball across Carlos Roa in goal to finish off an astounding goal. The fact that this happened at the 1998 World Cup Finals and he was only 18 years old made it all the more dramatic. Suffered a miserably with injuries but now back in the big time with Manchester United.

Michael Owen

No 2: Michael Owen

Everton's Wayne Rooney

No 1: Wayne Rooney

1 Wayne Rooney

Every country needs a hero, a supply of footballing geniuses who bring hopes and dreams to a new generation, convincing us that the next World Cup really can be ours. Right now that man is Wayne Rooney.

Just 16, he was brought to our attention in the most dramatic of fashions with a late, late winner against Arsenal in October 2002 and became the BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year soon after.

His talent soon grew so quickly that it was obvious he needed to be at a bigger club and a £26m move to United meant that the boy who said he would always a blue became a red.

Continues to improve and his desire to not just win but dominate games single-handedly makes us think that, with South Africa just around the corner, 'what if.'

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


memandangkan mlm ni aku x de nak buat ape, tadi pun baru balik dari rumah nenek angkat (ade ke?), aka nek lah..yap, kitorg mmg dh rapat sjak dari dulu lagi. kitorg dtg sarawak, diorang dh ade kat cni meniaga dkat simpang nk masuk MRSM kuching tu. one thing aku suke pasal beliau ialah generosity beliau memberi makan free setiap kali aku dtg ke gerai beliau. seronok lah kalau abah ajak pegi rumah cik lah dulu sbab leh makan free. favourite aku dulu ialah maggie kari..haha, yelah budak2 kan..time tu blom ade big apple lagi, krispy kreme, ataupun domino's pizza..makan jelah maggie. so td kitorg pegi melatwat die lah tadi sbab die sakit2 sikit. but anyways, aku bukan nk blog pasal im blogging about something that has nothing inside. kosong. aku pun x tau nk tulis aku nak letak gambar2 time aku buat lab material..budak2 ni semua semangat berlakon mcm serious sgt mase lab konon2 tgh buat ujikaji yg penting2 whatsoever. padahal rmai yg melepak (bukan semua, termasuk aku) ambik gambar..ahaha pic amat wajib b4 experiment.

"piling ni pakai yg smalam punye je,"

frust projek x jadi

"xde org nampak!"

then mase kelas drawing..sperti biasa org akan curik handphone aku nk curik2 amik gambar aku gune fon aku sendiri. pelik kan??

taulah aku tgh lukis title block je..hahaha

and this thing has been haunting me all dis while..still in progres..runsing aku mmikirkannya..

p/s: aku x sure nak letak post aku ni title ape.haha

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Brazil 1-0 England

Wayne Rooney admitted England were outclassed last night in Doha as they were lucky to avoid a heavier defeat against the world's No1 team.

Brazil sealed victory with a wonderful goal two minutes after half-time by Nilmar. It could have been worse had Luis Fabiano not blazed a penalty - conceded by keeper Ben Foster - over the bar.

Wayne Rooney

Rooney said: 'Brazil were the better team and they deserved to win. We created some chances and I thought we were unlucky not to have a free-kick on the edge of the box in the first half, when I was brought down.

'We're very disappointed with the goal. We should have put more pressure on the ball, and I'm not sure how he got between the defenders.

Wayne Rooney

No way through, Roo: Rooney (right) challenged by Felipe Melo De Carvalho

'It was a difficult game, not just because of the conditions but Brazil are a very difficult team to play against. They make you chase the ball and you need to do that for 90 minutes. But we are better than we showed tonight.

'But still, captaining England was a proud moment for me and my family. I will treasure it for the rest of my life.'

England went into the desert shorn of a handful of first-team stars and a defiant Fabio Capello is convinced his team will be a match for the Brazilians when the likes of Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard, John Terry and Rio Ferdinand are wearing the Three Lions.

'This XI of Brazil is a very good team - but our first XI is a good team,' said the Italian.

'We played against the best team in the world and I find a lot of positives. We did some things well, but it is very difficult to play against Brazil because they are a very good team, the best we have played.'

SAF to be replaced

Jose Mourinho and Laurent Blanc are eyeing the top job at Manchester United.

Current manager Sir Alex Ferguson, 67, continues to go from strength to strength and is showing no sign of loosening his grip at United just yet.

But the Old Trafford hierarchy are already putting together a shortlist of candidates in preparation for the legendary Scot’s inevitable retirement.

Laurent Blanc
Jose Mourinho

Heir to the throne: Laurent Blanc and Jose Mourinho

And former Chelsea boss Mourinho has thrown his hat into the ring for the role.

He said: ‘I am thinking about the future in terms of youth development and the age structure of my first team but Italy is not the country for this.

'England is the country. And my football is English football.'

While, according to the Sunday Mirror, Blanc’s impressive spell at French club Bordeaux has made him one of the front runners for Ferguson’s job once he decides to step aside.

The ex-Manchester United defender would jump at the chance to manage one of Europe’s giants.

Portugal national boss and Ferguson’s former assistant Carlos Queiroz is also in the frame.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

guitar hero

hello i had not much things to be done at home. pretty much ambik and hantar adik skolah je. haaa, jemur kain jugak. dah lame x jemur kain sjak duk uni ni.haha..selain itu jalan2 kat dunia maya ni je, sambil menghabiskan tugasan yang telah ditugaskan oleh abah bagi ku. membaca buku dokumentari. the book is about malays in afghanistan. kinda interesting. had flipped through some of the pages, just wanna see the overview of the book.

then aku berjalan2 and found dis video. sgt menarik sbab kalau korg tau pasal guitar hero, korg mesti minat. the early part of this vid ade sorg mamat main gitar gune guitar hero, goreng2 lagu die. pastu moving on to the real 'guitar hero' funtwo and sorg mamat latin-like. funtwo ni yg ade video kat youtube yg hits berpuluh juta tu, main lagu concerto in d by mozart. eh ye ke?aku x igt lah..but anyways, best sbab diorang duel guitar lah. tu je. haha.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Saturday, November 7, 2009


tahniah pasukan Negeri Sembilan. although i wasnt made in N.9 or produced here, tp my parents are from N.9. so i should be very happy bcoz Sarawak is no longer competing at their usual level ( they used to be so handal and been in final piala malaysia once, beaten soundly by brunei, i still remember that night ) and selangor pun dh xde. anayways,


Friday, November 6, 2009

Pengumuman penting MAN UTD

Manchester United telah mengumumkan bahawa mereka ingin menukar duta kelab yang asal "Red Devils" kepada ikon baru. Ikon ini nescaya akan menyuntik semangat baru kepada semua pemain setelah kehilangan 'talismen' Ronaldo dan Tevez. Ikon baru itu ialah...


p/s: Tahniah dan selamat maju jaya

retorik sgt...

ahhh...(bunyi sakit belakang)

now k. fazilina (mind the spelling) a.k.a kazen aku ade d rumah melepak. beliau seorang tentera yang tampak komited dgn tugas. tiba2 baru aku sedar betapa masa sudah berlalu dan kenangan meninggalkan kita; secara rakusnya mengubah realiti dan keinginan kita. kalau dulu dia dan kami kazen mazen selalu main baling selipar, cerita hantu, pepsi kola and semua game2 zaman kanak2 yg seronok. sampai toknyang aku pun marah kitorg main baling2 selipar dpan rumah die sbab tkt ade yg terbaling but bola sepak. and honestly aku rindu time2 kcik dulu. aku beruntung jugak sbab range umur aku dan cousins semua x jauh. sbab kitorg ada batch. means batch aku yg umur range 16-2o ke atas. then dtg generasi baru batch adik2 aku yg umur diorang x jauh. n diorang hepi bermain bersama. membuatkan aku cemburu dgn diorang. nk je rase jadi kecik semula, masukkan mercun mancis dalam taik lembu dan tgk ia explode dari jauh. huuu, rinduu giler.

berbalik kepada k. fazilina ni tadi die dulu suke cerita hantu. n die pandai bercerita. tadi kitorg satu famili makan bersama beliau dan die still x berubah mcm time aku kcik2 dulu. pandai bercerita. but dis time the story that she brought is merely a totally different one, more serious but yet enjoyable. now semua org pun dh remaja, and dh ade points and hala tuju masing2. she told us stories about her military experiencessss (eh ade 's' ke)..dh jadi askar dah die..rase mcm baru semalam mandi kolah ramai2 dgn kazen mazen pastu gambar kene snap simpan dlm album n pakat gelak tgk balik n cakap "eh kau punye dulu..", eh dah2..gile ape..haha..but then its good that diorang semua jadi orang, xde yg jadi beruk ataupun burung or anything yg tidak mendatangkan kesan kepada nusa bangsa dan negara. Alhamdulillah.

p/s: btw sesiap yg single (lelaki sahaja) and berumur 22 tahun ke atas sila comment sbab k. fazilina tgh carik balak.haha..

beza man n woman

1. Waktu lunch, jalan ke tempat makan
2. Sampai kedai makan, masuk
3. Ambik Pinggan
4. Letak nasi
5. Letak Lauk
6. Ke kaunter, Bayar nasi dan Air Sekali
7. Makan
8. Habis
9. Balik Opis or
10. G surau

1. Waktu lunch, jalan ke kedai makan
2. Perhatikan orang waktu jalan
3. Sempat mengumpat dulu
4. Sambil jalan betulkan tudung, tgk baju sendiri, tgk kaki
5. Tengok baju orang lain, especially yang cantik dr baju sendiri.
6. Sampai kedai makan, jenguk-jenguk dulu
7. Ramai orang, cari kedai lain.
8. Jalan lagi
9. Dah puas ati.. masuk..
10. Survey lauk dulu 2, 3 minit.
11. Carik2 pinggan, ambik pinggan
12. Belek-belek pinggan, bersih ke?? tak bersih?.. eeeeiiii. .
13. Dah puas ati, ambik nasi
14. Ambik nasi ceduk sikit-sikit
15. Tak sah kalau tak ceduk 2/3 kali
16. Buang balik nasi. banyak. .
17. Tak puas ati, banyak lagi.. buang lagi..(tinggal sejemput)
18. Godek2 sikit nasi dalam pinggan 2minit
19. Carik lauk. Survey dulu keliling meja. Tenguk sana, tenguk sini
20. Jengok dlm bekas lauk, ambik kuah sikit
21. Jengok bekas lauk lain, ceduk kuah sikit lagi
22. Jengok lagi? sambil tu tengok2 orang, jeling-jeling
23. Ambil lauk
24. Pusing lagi
25. Carik sayur pulak!
26. Ambik sayur selepas survey dan keliling 2 minit
27. Ke kaunter bayaran
28. Tgk2 nasi dlm pinggan
29. Berbisik ngan kawan "alaamak byk la aku ambik"
30. Sampai depan kaunter "berapa?"
31. Bukak dompet.. belek2 celah kad2 bank, celah kad2 nama, celah gambar2..
32. Keluarkan duit
33. Buat isyarat mata ngan member (sbb nasi mahal)
35. Tutup dompet. Ambik nasi
36. Tinjau-tinjau tempat duduk.
37. Jumpa tempat duduk.. alamak kotorlah!!!
38. Cari tempat duduk lain
39. Jumpa. Duduk. .
40. Alamak. Air tak order lagi
41. Tinjau2, carik org order air.. sambil tangan betulkan0 tudung
42. Order air
43. Bangun
44. Ambik sudu
45. Duduk
46. Bangun
47. Ambik Tisu
48. Duduk
49. Air sampai
50. Belek dompet (Step tadi)
51. Bayar
52. Tutup
53. Minum air
54. Start makan
55. Tengok-tengok orang sambil makan
56. Makan separuh.. kenyang
57. Sebab dah minum air
58. Letak sudu, letak garpu
59. Pinggan tolak tepi
60. Borak2 kater makanan tak sedap
61. Ngumpat2.. tgk orang
62. Pukul 2, naik opis..
63. Ambik beg makeup, g surau!!!!!

credit to HIM

Thursday, November 5, 2009


panassss...hihi..dh tutup akaun korang skarg...kalau nak score exam.


azrai klau kau bace


i dont know...persaingan 2 penjuru mmg sentiasa wujud dlm kehidupan ni. contohnya ADIDAS and NIKE.INTERNET EXPLORER and MOZILLA...MICROSOFT and APPLE..TIMES SQUARE and MIDVALLLEY.. SATOK and KUCHING PLAZA ( eh lupe dah tutup )..MANCHESTER UNITED and LIVERPOOL..PS and paling berdarah ialah FIFA and PES..

ape aku nk cakap ialah recently FIFA10 and PES2010 dh keluar, n now smua tgh sibuk buat reviews pasal bende2 ni. over the years aku sentiasa support FIFA, tp aku rs now dh berubah sbab PES2010. you better check this title out coz its so 'menyengat'. n PES2010 dpt kritikan melambung n top chart skarg. with FIFA trailing behind beberapa anak tangga. ak x nak cakap banyak tp

AZRAI OK AKU KALAH...balik uni nanti battle kalau berani.

p/s: sori kalau korg x faham..

alone forever.

aku bukan jenis pendendam or whatsoever benda yg sewaktu dengan nya.kalau aku marah aku cpat cool n aku lupe aku yg aku marah n sape yg aku marah. syukur aku ade perangai mcm ni. kadang2 aku jadi marah kat diri sendiri pulak bile dh hilang marah kat org lain kjap sgt. tp marah aku dis time, aku x boleh halang. n now when ure going down aku amat gembira. mmg kau deserve nasib mcm ni. berlagak, mulut bau longkang. perasan bagus padahal x bagus mana. semua yg kau ade cume kenangan je, history yg x boleh drive kau forward. and aku ckup kesian pade kau baru2 ni mmg kau amat teruk. sori emo sgt malam ni. aku cukup seronok sbenarnya.

ok now korg dah faham terima kasih. kalau x faham tanye yang faham.
"You'll forever walk alone"

router j***m

finally the drought ends...internet di rumah sudah pulih sepenuhnya. cuba bayangkan a big blow yg aku dpt bile pagi sabtu tu abah call and he said, "internet xde. rosak.".




aku terkesima, terkejut cuba bermain dgn perasaanku dgn menidakkan apa yang aku rasa. ahh, internet xde. cc matang jaya ade kan.haha..but anyways nk jadi cerita the tm technician should repair ke ntah ape one of their tiang kabel coz kene sambar petir. and they said that the internet should be ok by monday. however till 4 in the afternoon, the line is still down. my router kept blinking mcm bom jangka...aku decided untuk call tm and nak tanye lah pasal benda ni. then diorang refer balik report yg abah buat and she ( operator ) said "report ni closed without any appropriate action"....


aku tekesima lagi..double blow for me. dhlah mlm b4 tu aku pegi cc, awek sbelah aku main friendster. aku nak gelak n tukar status kat fb x sampai hati.

but then aku buat report baru n the technician came the day after. he said my router rosak and kene tukar router. so abah pegi tm and solved lah problem internet aku dgn router baru. bah syukur lah itu.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

liver fool

poyo...mmg kene pecat lah kau lpas ni rafa.
kalah kan man u x leh selamatkan kau. and aku tau knapa gerrard punye mood x brape baik dis season. boyfriend die dh pindah madrid kot. haha. ni bukti.

ish gerrard kau cium alonso.

pastu satu lagi real madrid pun satu hal. nmpk sgt terlampau bergantung dkat star2 baru dia.
pagi tadi kalau 4-0 dgn kelab 3rd division.haha
even pellegrini ckp "kami x menang sbab ronaldo x main". haha..kau mmg truk ke ape.
mmg sah kene pecat lah jugak. tadi aku bace kat sport mail die nk replace pellegrini dgn rafael benitez. bgs lah madrid. haha byk player kau kene jual balik nanti.hahahha..
tekan link ni

sem 1 im a happy man. final exam dh habis..4 paper dalam 3 hari.
alhamdulillah...ade hikmah jugak paper xde skip2 ni.
dpt ganti tidor2 aku time study hari tu.haha.

sori sbab kalau korg bukak blog ni asyik nampak "perhatian lelaki2"..haha..
bukan x nk update blog, setiap hari aku berlumba2 ingin mengupdate blog..
kalau x banyak je aku nk momentum nak menulis tu dh makin hilang..
mcm man u kalah, itu kalau ikut kelaziman aku mmg mengamuk2 kat aku x buat.
sbab esoknya aku exam calculus. (sambung kat bawah #)
tp apakan daya masa dgn assignment MASB and final exam.
dahlah first exam degree. agak cuak jugak lah coz every pointers are carried to the next sem.
tp ini tidak mematahkan smangat aku nk mnruskan hidup ini.hahaha...
itulah lpas ni aku update lah senantiasa...cuti pun sebulan..fuhh lame..haha
x sabar den nak balik. btw aku blk hari sabtu ini. so yg dh ade kat kuching tu silelah jgn sgan2 ajak keluar ok.haha..

# yg malam man u tu aku tension bebenar..dhlah esok exam berat. advanced calculus..rumah aku dh dekat dgn lot 10 yakni gerai makan yg penuh dgn peminat2 bola sepak seperti aku.
aku budget tutup tingkap langsir semua org jerit aku x sangkaan aku meleset.
dgn di laptopnya aku bukak live score..and kat lot 10 nya org jerit2...
tapi ironinya org jerit dulu baru die update kat live score.
so aku agak terkejut2 bila org jerit. tgk sape yg score , red carded ke ape ke.
hish ironi btul mcm lagu irony wondergirl.hohoho..
ckp pasal wonder girl...rumah aku skarg dilanda demam K-Pop (ye rumah aku didiami lelaki sejati, tukar blk pmikiran korang)..
sume pakat usha mimpi nk carik awek korea secomel soo young of GG. sampai kn kwn aku dh merangka cara mcm mane nak ade in contact with them. gile ape. (eh bukan akuuuuu)

sem 1 ni pun dh habis..and alhamdulillah aku selesa dok amanah ni, and hepi coz next year aku dpt stay rumah yg sama lagi. which means x payah pindah2 angkut2, peti ais, set hifi, aircond, almari baju, sofa ape segala. thanx ketua amanah yakni Baim(royalti baim...) sbab tolong kitorg. syg kau.hahaha.. sem 1 ni nk kate tense sgt KUDIN lagi tense sbab die bnyk assignment, tests, so far aku enjoy material yg aku belajar untuk civil engineering ni. looking forward for more exciting things next year. yeehaaaa~

Monday, October 5, 2009

dak2 laki sume.

haha one day when i was strolling in the internet i terbukak my old fren punye blog. in one of her posts she wrote sumthing about boys, the facts that u all pun x sangka!! she cabar boys to read it. i got interested with what she wrote and would like all of u boys out there to just spend a couple of minutes browsing through this notes.

LINK cpat tekan kalau x rugi!!

kalau nk komen kat page die bukan cni ok? bagi korang laki ni sedar diri sikit hahah.


Assalamualaikum guys...i guess dh lame org tinggalkan mood raye ni, sjak msg2 dh blk ke uni. tp aku?haha kalau boleh nk sambung raye lagi. kalau boleh nk serbu org punye open house nk suh diorang msk sdap2. tu pun kalau ade yg nk buat open house lah. kalau ade syukur. btw thanx to hana hari tu open house die, esok rumah kholili weekend ni rumah zul jamil. and on the 17th ade YB's open house pulak. ok sape2 lagi yg nk tmbah list sile jgn sgan2 ok. hahaha..

now aku free ckit coz mdm herda yanti x buat kelas pukul 8. she has to attend a competition in upm. so my next class will be at 11. sampai pukul in between byk gap.hahaha..guess i just wanna do some revision on this coming finals..fuhh, the first will always be sangat risau untuk dilalui. dh msk degree ni pointer kire secara borong. 4 tahun.haha..kalau foundation dulu 3 pointer je diambik kire but now byk lagi pointer kene jagi sampai final year. good luck don! jgn give up.hahaha..

hmm last weekend in amanah was so bad coz the internet connection mcm ha**m..dh ade wireless pun ntah sape punye and pakai cable pun x dpt pakai. tah ape2..struggle diri ini nk berkarya mencari ketenangan. haha blah lah don sape crk ketenangan gune internet. btw wifi yg ade pun boleh thn gak kalau on9 pakai fon kwn aku. and sjak dh tukar laptop i mean beli dr my brother ni alhamdulillah keje x halt mcm dulu. flowless. hahaha thanx lah angah.wakakak.. btw 1 thing. my mom called me last saturday stutteringly she told me that my fren died of an accident. she was the late Anita julia. used to study in the same school with me darjah 1. i didnt remember her that much but we were reunited during hari kemerdekaan in kuching. at that time i was the oath recitation leader ( ape aku ckp ni ketua pembaca ikrar ) and she was one of my counter parts. its nice to mingle with one of ur old fren though. and after that moment we havent met up for quite some time. btw shes a good athlete. represented kuching, sarawak, did went to train in overseas kot. aku pun x igt kat mane. anita accident dkat jln yg biase aku gune hari2 kalau ambik nazri kat rumah die. aku agak risau skarg coz abah cakap jalan tu ade keras ckit coz die pakai bitumen high quality. i guess next time kene hati2 banyak ckit. and with heart full of condolences aku ucapkan takziah to anita's family. R.I.P

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the meaning of raya

bila adik anda bertanya "abah tu ikan ape?"

bila adik perempuan anda pose ketakutan risau akan jatuh ke tanah di atas titi usang ini.

bila anda pergi ke rumah kampung P.S yg nmpk tidak mewah di luar tapi dalam ada flat screen.

and di jalan yg pada hari biasa mustahil akan eksiden tapi pada hari raya exceptional, 4 kereta skali

and abah anda membesarkan mata di pagi hari raya kerana lambat menghulurkan kuih samprit.
haha sori abah.!!

p/s: all of these things not congruent on properties from any sorts of angles yg membuatkan aku stand up bila org tanya "knape kau raye kat sarawak?", and dgn tersenyum berkata "they are exquisite".